Keeping Our Dogs Cool in the Summer: What Worked for Us
Keeping Our Dogs Cool in the Summer: What Worked for Us

Keeping Our Dogs Cool in the Summer: What Worked for Us

Summers in Calgary can get pretty intense, and ensuring our furry friends stay cool is a top priority. At our Calgary pet store, we've picked up a few tips and tricks over the past 18 years that have worked wonders for our dogs.

1. The Power of Shade and Water
We quickly learned that providing ample shade and water is a game-changer. Our backyard has a few shady spots, and we've set up a little doggy oasis with umbrellas and a kiddie pool. The dogs love it! On particularly hot days, they splash around in the pool, which keeps them cool and hydrated.

2. Cooling Mats and Vests
Another fantastic discovery has been cooling mats and vests. We stock a variety of these at our Calgary pet store, and they’ve been lifesavers for our dogs. The mats are perfect for indoor use, while the vests are great for when we’re out on walks. It’s incredible how effective these simple items can be.

3. Frozen Treats
Nothing beats the heat like a refreshing treat! At our Calgary pet store, we sell our own doggie ice cream with flavors that our dogs go crazy for. The favourites include chicken & waffles, blueberry cheesecake, and peanut butter. It's not just about cooling down; it’s also a fun and tasty snack that our dogs absolutely adore.

4. Early Morning and Late Evening Walks
Adjusting our walking schedule was a simple yet impactful change. During the peak heat of the day, we noticed our dogs were lethargic and uncomfortable. Now, we take them for walks early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s cooler. The difference in their energy and comfort levels is remarkable.

5. Mindful Indoor Activities
When it’s just too hot to be outside, we focus on indoor activities. Puzzle toys and games keep our dogs mentally stimulated without them overheating. We’ve found that a combination of these activities keeps them happy and engaged, even on the hottest days.

6. Monitoring for Signs of Heatstroke
Lastly, being vigilant about the signs of heatstroke has been crucial. We keep an eye out for excessive panting, drooling, and any signs of lethargy. It’s always better to be cautious and consult with a vet if anything seems off.

These are just a few things that have worked for our dogs, and we hope they can help yours too. Every dog is different, so it might take some experimentation to find what works best for your furry friend. Drop by our Calgary pet store if you’re looking for cooling products or just some advice—we’re always here to help fellow pet lovers!

Stay cool, and enjoy the summer with your pets!
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